24 January, 2011

1 juta.. blogging...tax

aku pon sebok gak nak menempek entry pasal topic smlm..
Konon aku pon blogger gak..tp aku yg suam-suam kuku je laa...[tongue out]
xctly blog ni aku create tuk para novelicious yg same minat mcm aku gak..!! beli buku..bace..review..jual if buku tu x best!!! tapi alang² da ade blog aku selit selit gak laa personal life aku kan.. so xde laa aku boring dok tgk blog sendiri..dan korg pon boring dok jenguk blog aku..

ok back to cite 1 juta...bile bce paper smlm dunia blogger trus jd panas..hot!! some of bloggers marah bile kisah blogging leh menjana income kuar didada akhbar..klo bce balik yesterday nye news actually they highlighted on tax kan???cite jadi panas coz bloggers takut kne kejor dek income tax coz blogging income pon subject to tax...HaHA..typical malaysian.. dah byk duit mmg x ske byr tax..
tp demand 1st class facilities fr government...

dlm news smlm kak red share ngn kita bpe die dpt bln² ngn blogging n kejayaan die as a blogger..aku rse tu bukan nk menunjuk ke hapa..ala yg tu x yah cite dlm paper kta tau klo bce blog die..message smlm, nak bg kesedaran tuk Malaysian supaya x lupa menjalankan tanggujawab sbg rakyat Malaysia wpon income cecah jutaan ringgit..

alkisahnye aku start follow blog RM bermula ketika aku bce entry pasal buying 2nd hand house is not bad idea dlm blog tepung pelita yg ku temui di dlm Cari.com..mase bce tuh aku terperasan 1 entry die bertajuk blogger pon kene byr tax ker?..[aku rse sape² je acctg stdnt suke bce fakta pasal ni kan??] aku pon klik citer die dan kat ctu ade link ke RM so aku pon bce citer redmummy tentang die kne audit ngn income tax... start dr tu aku follow RM..

my personal view, blogging ni kan mengamalkan freedom of speech..biar laa pe pon topic blogger tu..klo suke bce..klo x suke jgn bce[click je exit!!] tengok mcm awek khairul fahmi keeper Malaysia tu..followers dkt 10ribu kot, tapi die humble jer..x la expose sgt pon..tp still ade gak mulut-mulut dengki nih ckp die mcm²..tu die x dpt income jutaan lg..klo die dpt kot ade lak org kate die kaya sbb jaja kisah chenta..
sian kat die~ nak study pon x aman..
moral of d story.. typical malaysian!! terkenal ngn PHD
ape kate jom kta berubah..katakan TIDAK pd PHD...


  1. hehe kak red indirectly dh jadi "duta" LHDN tuk blogger..btl tu org klu boleh nk kaya dan xbayar tax

    n'way salam kenal

  2. indirectly jadi duta LHDN?

    kena mintak pampasan nanti nih

    thanks dik for the entry and your support to RM :)



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